What is the difference between Angular & React JS, Which one you should choose? | Angular 13 vs React JS full which one is better? Let’s compare

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Angular vs React js
Angular vs React js

Angular & React JS both are used for Frontend Development, To make Single page applications or Web Apps. Here is a quick difference between both. Be a part of our team and tell us in a comment if you know apart from these differences.

Let’s start the Angular vs React js Comparision.

AngularReact JS
Based on TypeScriptBased on JavaScript
Angular JS Originally Developed by Misko Hevery in 2009Originally Developed by Jordan Walke in 2013
Developed and Maintained by GoogleDeveloped and Maintained by Facebook
Optimized with Change Detection with Real DOMOptimized with Virtual DOM
Use Material design library – Angular MaterialExternal Material UI Library
Full Fledged MVVC FrameworkRequired Flux for Implementing Architecture, or you can use Recoil, Jotai, XState, Redux, Zustand etc.
Two-way Data Binding one way Data Binding
UI rendering on the client and server-sideUI rendering on the client and server-side
High PerformanceHigh Performance
UI rendering with JavaScript & HTML Templating engineUI rendering with JavaScript & JSX
Fully Supported Dependency InjectionNot Supported Dependency Injection, React supports es modules, es modules have context and state, hence can be easily be used for DI.
DOM used in Angular is RealReact uses Virtual DOM with Real DOM
Hot Reloading with webpackReact Fast Refresh
Holistic Software DevelopmentOnly UI Development
Angular CLI Create React App (CLI)
 Heavily influenced by oops concepts and patterns, classes, DI, etc.Heavily influenced by functional programming principles
Angular Universal for Server-Side RenderingNext.js Framework for Server-Side Rendering
NgRx & Reactive Programming for State ManagementRxJS for State Management
Testing with Jasmin, Karma & ProtectorTesting With Jest, Enzyme & React-Unit
Top Companies Using Angular are Google, PayPal, Upwork, IBM, Freelancer, etc.Top Companies Using Angular are Facebook, Instagram, Skype, Netflix, etc.

Which one we should Choose React Js or angular?

If you want to develop enterprise-level applications then you should go for Angular.

If you want to develop Highly interactive applications like Instagram then you should go for React JS.

React is Light Weight compared to Angular but Angular is a framework and React is a library so both are good at their levels.

Angular follows MVVC, a dependency Injection pattern, so the application you are going to develop will be more structured and will be easily manageable by default. On the other hand, React follows free to do any way you want policy, so you can develop applications however you want.

If you like React JS and want to learn it we have a complete course on React JS, a list of articles that can help you to learn to react in detail. Click Here to check our React JS Course.

This blog is part of our Angular Framework Course so if you want to learn Angular Then Stick with this Course. We Will add a link in the future once we have enough course data to share for Angular Development. It’s in Progress 🙂

If you need an app with multiple events, more clicks, and more scrolls like Instagram and Facebook, then go for React JS.

If you want to build applications like Freelancer, and Firebase, then go for Angular.

If you have experience in C++, Java then choose Angular

If you have experience in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript then choose React JS.

It doesn’t mean you can not choose React if you know C++ or Java, It’s just you will find it easy to understand.

I think that is enough to get an understanding of both.

Choose According to your taste. If you are fresher go for React, if you have a bit of knowledge of programming go for Angular.

If you like this blog please share it with your friends, and if you have any suggestions please comment and let us know.

Thank you, Happy Coding 🙂

Official resources for both angular and react are given below.

Angular Documentation

React Documentation

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