
What is the difference between Angular & React JS, Which one you should choose? | Angular 13 vs React JS full which one is better? Let’s compare

FrontBackGeek 2 years ago

Angular & React JS both are used for Frontend Development, To make Single page applications or Web Apps. Here is a quick difference between both. Be a part of our…


How angular app works? what happen in background when angular application starts.

FrontBackGeek 3 years ago

Let’s understand how an angular application works from core, what happen when it starts. In index.html file there is a <app-root> custom html code, this app-root is a selector of…


How to organize your angular application using modules

FrontBackGeek 3 years ago

Angular Basics Its a javascirpt framework Its different from angular js Used to build powerful frontend applications. Its used for rapid application development and code generation. Some of important features…