Dynamic Shape Generator: Interactive Shapes on Canvas

Hey there! Ever wanted to bring some interactive fun to your web projects? Check out this dynamic canvas example where you can create and animate different shapes just by clicking a button. Whether you’re into circles, squares, or triangles, this code lets you easily switch between them, each with its own vibrant color and design. It’s a great way to see how canvas manipulation works and how you can animate shapes to create a lively, engaging experience. Dive in, play around, and let your creativity shine!

<div id="menu" class="hidden">
    <p id="controls">controls</p>
    <div id="showhide">
      <p><input type="range" min=0.02 max=0.06 step="any" value=0.04 id="cellsize"> cell size</p>
      <p>geometry choice: <select id="geometrychoice">
          <option value="1">2</option>
          <option value="2">1 - 2</option>
          <option value="3">2 - 3</option>
          <option value="4" selected>1 - 2 - 3</option>
      <p>color mode: <select id="colormode">
          <option value="1">colorful</option>
          <option value="2" selected>colorful - brighter</option>
          <option value="3">bicolor</option>
          <option value="4">monochrome</option>
          <option value="5">grey</option>
      <p>with stroke <input type="checkbox" id="stroke" checked></p>
      <p>random <input type="checkbox" id="random" checked></p>
    </div> <!-- showhide -->
  </div> <!-- menu -->
    body {
  font-family: Arial, Helvetica, "Liberation Sans", FreeSans, sans-serif;
  background-color: #000;
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;
  border-width: 0;

input {
  caret-color: auto;

#menu {
  font-size: 80%;
  margin: 0;
  padding: 5px;
  position: absolute;
  left: 5px;
  top: 5px;
  border-radius: 10px;
  background-color: rgba(255, 255, 128, 0.9);
  color: black;
  z-index: 10;

#menu.hidden #showhide {
  display: none;

#controls {
  margin-top: 0px;
  margin-bottom: 0px;

#menu button {
  margin-right: 5px;
  margin-left: 5px;
  border-radius: 5px;

#menu .center {
  text-align: center;
    "use strict";

/* at the last step of the design, I rotated the drawing by 90 degrees for a better result.
    I did not update my variable names and comments accordingly. Keep this in mind when trying to understand my code :
    1st coordinates (x) of points actually refer to the vertical direction
    2nd coordinates (y) refer to the horizontal direction

/* table relProbaNbPoints gives the RELATIVE probability used to attribute 0 to 3 points
    to each side of an hexagon.
    It should contain integer values in the range 0..20.
const tbRelProbaNbPoints = [
  [0, 0, 1, 0], // allways 2
  [0, 1, 1, 0], // 1-2
  [0, 0, 2, 1], // 2-3
  [0, 1, 1, 1]
]; // never 0
let geometryChoice = 3; // 1-2-3

let rayHex = 70; // circumradius of hexagon - general scale of drawing
let nbLayers;

const neighborDx = [1, 0, -1, -1, 0, 1];
const neighborDy = [0, 1, 1, 0, -1, -1];

let messages;
let canv, ctx; // canvas and context : global variables (I know :( )
let ctxAnim;
let maxx, maxy; // canvas sizes (in pixels)
let grid; // array of hexagons
let tbLoops; // loops array
let hierar; // hierarchical structure for loops
let algoPick; // two algorithms are available to pick points, this variable tells which is chosen
let lRef;
let ui, uiv;

let perpendicular = []; // for easy calculation of perpendiculars to hexagon edges
let vertices; // positions of vertices of one Hexagon, relative to center
let tbNbPoints; // table for choice of nb of points on each side

// shortcuts for Math.…

const mrandom = Math.random;
const mfloor = Math.floor;
const mround = Math.round;
const mceil = Math.ceil;
const mabs = Math.abs;
const mmin = Math.min;
const mmax = Math.max;

const mPI = Math.PI;
const mPIS2 = Math.PI / 2;
const m2PI = Math.PI * 2;
const msin = Math.sin;
const mcos = Math.cos;
const matan2 = Math.atan2;

const mhypot = Math.hypot;
const msqrt = Math.sqrt;

const rac3 = msqrt(3);
const rac3s2 = rac3 / 2;
const mPIS3 = Math.PI / 3;

// miscellaneous functions

function alea(min, max) {
  // random number [min..max[ . If no max is provided, [0..min[

  if (typeof max == "undefined") return min * mrandom();
  return min + (max - min) * mrandom();

// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

function intAlea(min, max) {
  // random integer number [min..max[ . If no max is provided, [0..min[

  if (typeof max == "undefined") {
    max = min;
    min = 0;
  return mfloor(min + (max - min) * mrandom());
} // intAlea

// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
/* returns intermediate point between p0 and p1,
      alpha = 0 will return p0, alpha = 1 will return p1
      values of alpha outside [0,1] may be used to compute points outside the p0-p1 segment
function lerp(p0, p1, alpha) {
  return [
    (1 - alpha) * p0[0] + alpha * p1[0],
    (1 - alpha) * p0[1] + alpha * p1[1]
} // function lerp
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
function arrayShuffle(array) {
  /* randomly changes the order of items in an array
         only the order is modified, not the elements
  let k1, temp;
  for (let k = array.length - 1; k >= 1; --k) {
    k1 = intAlea(0, k + 1);
    temp = array[k];
    array[k] = array[k1];
    array[k1] = temp;
  } // for k
  return array;
} // arrayShuffle

// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
function prod(mat4, mat) {
  // mat may be mat2 or mat4
  // returns mat of same type as mat
  /* mat4 : 0 1
                2 3

  if (mat.length == 2)
    return [
      mat4[0] * mat[0] + mat4[1] * mat[1],
      mat4[2] * mat[0] + mat4[3] * mat[1]
    return [
      mat4[0] * mat[0] + mat4[1] * mat[2],
      mat4[0] * mat[1] + mat4[1] * mat[3],
      mat4[2] * mat[0] + mat4[3] * mat[2],
      mat4[2] * mat[1] + mat4[3] * mat[3]
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
function distance(p0, p1) {
  /* distance between points */

  return mhypot(p0[0] - p1[0], p0[1] - p1[1]);
} // function distance
// User Interface (controls)
function toggleMenu() {
  if (menu.classList.contains("hidden")) {
    this.innerHTML = "close controls";
  } else {
    this.innerHTML = "controls";
} // toggleMenu

function getCoerce(name, min, max, isInt) {
  let parse = isInt ? parseInt : parseFloat;
  let ctrl = ui[name];
  let x = parse(ctrl.value, 10);
  if (isNaN(x)) {
    x = uiv[name];
  x = mmax(x, min);
  x = mmin(x, max);
  ctrl.value = uiv[name] = x;

function prepareUI() {
  // toggle menu handler

  document.querySelector("#controls").addEventListener("click", toggleMenu);
  //      toggleMenu.call(document.querySelector("#controls"));

  ui = {}; // User Interface HTML elements
  uiv = {}; // User Interface values of controls

  ["cellsize", "geometrychoice", "colormode", "stroke", "random"].forEach(
    (ctrlName) => (ui[ctrlName] = document.getElementById(ctrlName))

  registerControl("cellsize", readCoerced, "change");
  registerControl("geometrychoice", readUIInt, "input");
  registerControl("colormode", readUIInt, "input");
  registerControl("stroke", readUICheck, "input");
  registerControl("random", readUICheck, "input", setRandom);
} // prepareUI

function readUI() {
  if (ui.registered) {
    for (const ctrl in ui.registered) ui.registered[ctrl].readF();
} // readUI

// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
function registerControl(
) {
  /* provides simple way to associate controls with their read / update / changeEvent / changed functions
      since many (but not all) controls work almost the same way */
  /* changeEvent and changedFunction are optional */

  const ctrl = ui[controlName];
  ui.registered = ui.registered || [];
  ui.registered.push(ctrl); // NEVER register a control twice !!!
  ctrl.readF = readFunction;
  if (changeEvent) {
    ctrl.addEventListener(changeEvent, (event) => {
      if (changedFunction) changedFunction.call(ctrl, event);
} // registerControl
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
function readUIFloat() {
  uiv[this.id] = parseFloat(this.value);
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
function readUIInt(ctrl, event) {
  uiv[this.id] = parseInt(this.value);
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
function readUICheck(ctrl, event) {
  uiv[this.id] = this.checked;
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
function readCoerced() {
  /* the element will be read with getCoerce with values given by its min, max and step attributes
        (integer value if step == 1)
  let min = this.getAttribute("min");
  let max = this.getAttribute("max");
  let step = this.getAttribute("step");
  getCoerce(this.id, min, max, step == 1);
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
function setRandom() {
  ["cellsize", "geometrychoice", "colormode", "stroke"].forEach(
    (elem) => (ui[elem].disabled = this.checked)

class ExtremeRadialFilter {
  /* tracks extreme radiito build a radial gradient

  constructor() {
    this.rmin = Infinity;
    this.rmax = -Infinity;

  filter(p) {
    let rad = mhypot(p[0], p[1]);
    this.rmin = mmin(this.rmin, rad);
    this.rmax = mmax(this.rmax, rad);
  } // filter

  filterBezier(p0, p1, p2, p3) {
    /* recursively divides bezier curve into pieces, until each piece is almost a straight ligne, and filters individual points
        the "almost a straight line" is arbitrarily defined
    (function interm(p0, p1, p2, p3) {
      if (
        distance(p0, p1) + distance(p1, p2) + distance(p2, p3) <
        1.1 * distance(p0, p3)
        return; // almost straight
      const pa = lerp(p0, p1, 0.5);
      const pb = lerp(p1, p2, 0.5);
      const pc = lerp(p2, p3, 0.5);
      const pd = lerp(pa, pb, 0.5);
      const pe = lerp(pb, pc, 0.5);
      const pf = lerp(pd, pe, 0.5);
      this.filter(pf); // filter intermediate point
      interm.call(this, p0, pa, pd, pf); // check subparts of Bézier curve
      interm.call(this, pf, pe, pc, p3);
    }.call(this, p0, p1, p2, p3));

  getRadialGradient() {
    /* creates a gradient without filling the stop points */
    /* not suitable for"ring" loops */
    return ctx.createRadialGradient(0, 0, this.rmin, 0, 0, this.rmax);
} // ExtremeRadialFilter

function getKey(kx, ky) {
  /* key used to identify hexagons in grids
  return `${kx},${ky}`;


class Hexagon {
  constructor(kx, ky) {
    /* vertices are numbered 0 to 5 in order : E, SE, SW, W, NW, NE
           edges are numbered 0 to 5, edge k is betwxeen vertices k and (k + 1) % 6
           hexagon (kx=0, ky=0) is at center of display
           kx increases crossing edge 0 and decreases crossing edge 3
           ky increases crossing edge 1 and decreases crossing edge 3
           symmetry axes meet at the center of tile 0,0
           axis A is horizontal
           axis B is at 30° turning clockwise from axis 0
           All the "axis" stuff below is only meaningful for Hexagons in 1st sector ( kx-2y >= 0 && ky <=0)

    this.kx = kx;
    this.ky = ky;
    this.isOnAxisA = kx == -2 * ky;
    this.isAlongAxisA = kx - 1 == -2 * ky; // has its side 4 on axis A
    this.isOnAxisB = ky == 0;
    this.noAxis = !(this.isOnAxisA || this.isOnAxisB);
  } // constructor
  // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  size() {
    /* computes screen sizes / positions
    // centre
    this.xc = this.kx * 1.5 * rayHex;
    this.yc = (this.ky + this.kx / 2) * rayHex * rac3;

    this.vertices = [[], [], [], [], [], []];

    // x coordinates of this hexagon vertices
    this.vertices[3][0] = this.xc + vertices[3][0];
    this.vertices[2][0] = this.vertices[4][0] = this.xc + vertices[2][0];
    this.vertices[1][0] = this.vertices[5][0] = this.xc + vertices[1][0];
    this.vertices[0][0] = this.xc + vertices[0][0];
    // y coordinates of this hexagon vertices
    this.vertices[4][1] = this.vertices[5][1] = this.yc + vertices[4][1];
    this.vertices[0][1] = this.vertices[3][1] = this.yc + vertices[0][1];
    this.vertices[1][1] = this.vertices[2][1] = this.yc + vertices[1][1];
    if (!this.nbPPSide) return;

    /* positions of intermediate points on sides */
    /* depends on the number of points on this side */
    this.points = [];
    this.nbPPSide.forEach((nbPoints, kcote) => {
      let p0 = this.vertices[kcote];
      let p1 = this.vertices[(kcote + 1) % 6];
      switch (nbPoints) {
        case 0:
          break; // no point at all, nothing to compute
        case 1:
          this.points.push(lerp(p0, p1, 1 / 2));
        case 2:
          this.points.push(lerp(p0, p1, 3 / 8)); // better results than 1/3 and 2/3
          this.points.push(lerp(p0, p1, 5 / 8));
        case 3:
          this.points.push(lerp(p0, p1, 9 / 32)); // better results than 1/4, 2/4 and 3/4
          this.points.push(lerp(p0, p1, 1 / 2));
          this.points.push(lerp(p0, p1, 23 / 32));
      } // switch
    }); // hexa.nbPPSide.forEach
  } // Hexagon.prototype.size

  // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  structurePoints() {
    /* after nbPPSide has been initialised, prepares a few structures to make points manupulation easier */
    this.sideOfPoint = [];
    for (let kCote = 0; kCote < 6; ++kCote) {
      for (let k = 0; k < this.nbPPSide[kCote]; ++k)
    } // for kcote

    /* compute, for each side of the current Hexagon, which points belong to it */
    this.pointsOfSide = [[], [], [], [], [], []];
    for (let k = 0; k < this.nbPoints; ++k)

    /* create the set of points that can be connected together in one hexagon
             - initially all of them */
    this.connectables = [[]];
    for (let kin = 0; kin < this.nbPoints; ++kin)
      this.connectables[0][kin] = kin;

  // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  isAllowableForStart(kp) {
    /* only meaningful for hexagons in sector 0 */
    const sop = this.sideOfPoint[kp];
    if (this.kx == 0 && this.ky == 0) return kp == 0;
    if (this.isOnAxisA) return sop < 3;
    if (this.isOnAxisB)
      return (
        [4, 5].includes(sop) ||
        (sop == 3 && this.pointsOfSide[3][1] == kp) ||
        (sop == 0 && 0 == kp)
    return true;
  } // isAllowableForStart
  // - - - - -x- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  areCompatibleForSymmetry(kp0, kp1) {
    // returns false if this Hexagon has one or more symmetry axis, and points are not compatible with at least one of the symmetries
    // returns false if not compatible, "A","B" if symmetrical about one of the axis, and true if compatible without symmetry

    if (this.noAxis) return true; // easy

    let side0 = this.sideOfPoint[kp0],
      side1 = this.sideOfPoint[kp1];
    let pos0 = this.pointsOfSide[side0].indexOf(kp0),
      pos1 = this.pointsOfSide[side1].indexOf(kp1);
    let symm;

    if (this.isOnAxisA) {
      if ([0, 1, 2].includes(side0) != [0, 1, 2].includes(side1)) {
        // if on different sides of axis
        if (side0 + side1 != 5) return false; // not symmetrical sides !
        if (pos0 + pos1 + 1 != this.nbPPSide[side0]) return false;
        symm = "A";
    if (this.isOnAxisB) {
      if (
        ([1, 2].includes(side0) ||
          (side0 == 0 && pos0 == 1) ||
          (side0 == 3 && pos0 == 0)) !=
        ([1, 2].includes(side1) ||
          (side1 == 0 && pos1 == 1) ||
          (side1 == 3 && pos1 == 0))
      ) {
        // if on different sides of axis
        if ((side0 + side1) % 6 != 0) return false;
        if (pos0 + pos1 + 1 != this.nbPPSide[side0]) return false;
        symm = "B";
    if (this.kx == 0 && this.ky == 0) {
      if ((kp0 + 1) % 12 != kp1 && (kp0 + 11) % 12 != kp1) return false;
    return symm || true;
  // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  pickFromConnectables(kin) {
    let kconn, idxconn0, idxconn, acceptable, kout;
    // look for set of connectables containing kin
    for (kconn = 0; kconn < this.connectables.length; ++kconn) {
      if ((idxconn0 = this.connectables[kconn].indexOf(kin)) != -1) break; // found it
    } // for

    let ktry = 1;
    do {
      switch (algoPick) {
        case 0:
          idxconn =
            intAlea(this.connectables[kconn].length / 2) * 2 +
            ((idxconn0 & 1) ^ 1);
        case 1:
          idxconn = (idxconn0 + ktry) % this.connectables[kconn].length;
      kout = this.connectables[kconn][idxconn];
      acceptable = this.areCompatibleForSymmetry(kin, kout);
      ktry += 2;
    } while (!acceptable);
    return { kout, symm: acceptable === true ? false : acceptable };
  } // pickFromConnectables
  // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  connect(kin, kout) {
    /* manages the 'connectables' property wich tells which points may be connected together
          without cutting a previously created connection
      /* normally, kin et kout should have different parities */

    let kcon = 0; // index of subset of 'connectables' which contains kin et kout
    let k0, k1;
    while (true) {
      k0 = this.connectables[kcon].indexOf(kin);
      if (k0 >= 0) {
        k1 = this.connectables[kcon].indexOf(kout);
        if (k1 < k0) [k0, k1] = [k1, k0];
        // put apart points associated with kin and kout
        let narr = this.connectables[kcon].splice(k0, k1 + 1 - k0);
        // remove kin and kout from 'connectables' since they now are used
        if (narr.length > 0) this.connectables.push(narr); // the rest becomes a new 'connectable' subset
        if (this.connectables[kcon].length == 0)
          this.connectables.splice(kcon, 1); // remove subset if empty
        return; // that's all folks
      } // if kin was found
      // not found here, go further
    } // while...
  } // Hexagon.prototype.connect

  // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  // returns a pair of values {kx, ky}

  neighbour(side) {
    return grid.get(
      getKey(this.kx + neighborDx[side], this.ky + neighborDy[side])
  } // Hexagon.prototype.neighbour

  // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  otherPoint(kp) {
    /* returns hexagon and index of point which is physically the same as given point */
    let side = this.sideOfPoint[kp];
    let nbOnSide = this.pointsOfSide[side].length;
    let posOnSide = this.pointsOfSide[side].indexOf(kp);
    const otherHex = this.neighbour(side);
    const otherSide = (side + 3) % 6;
    return {
      hexa: otherHex,
      kp: otherHex.pointsOfSide[otherSide][nbOnSide - 1 - posOnSide]
  } // otherPoint
  // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
} // end of class Hexagon


function createGrid() {
  // creates the "sector 0" of the grid of Hexagons

  let hexa, side, sum, nbPPs, neighbor, nbp, n1;

  /* create table for choice of nbPoints */

  tbNbPoints = [];
  tbRelProbaNbPoints[geometryChoice].forEach((frq, nb) => {
    for (let k = 0; k < frq; ++k) tbNbPoints.push(nb);
  }); // relProbaNbPoints.forEach

  function rndNb() {
    return tbNbPoints[intAlea(tbNbPoints.length)];

  grid = new Map();

  /* special central tile */
  hexa = new Hexagon(0, 0);
  grid.set("0,0", hexa);
  hexa.nbPPSide = [];

  grid.set(getKey(0, 0), hexa);

  let frontier = [hexa];
  nbLayers = mmin(
    mfloor((maxy / 2 / rayHex - 1) / 1.5),
    mfloor(maxx / 2 / rayHex / rac3 - 0.3)
  for (let d = 1; d <= nbLayers; ++d) {
    const newFrontier = [];
    let hexa = frontier[0];
    if (!hexa.isOnAxisA)
        new Hexagon(hexa.kx + neighborDx[5], hexa.ky + neighborDy[5])
    frontier.forEach((hexa) =>
        new Hexagon(hexa.kx + neighborDx[0], hexa.ky + neighborDy[0])
    // add new  Frontier to grid and add points on edges
    newFrontier.forEach((hexa) => {
      grid.set(getKey(hexa.kx, hexa.ky), hexa);

      do {
        hexa.nbPPSide = [];

        // apply  neighborhood constraint first
        for (let k = 0; k < 6; ++k) {
          let neighHex = hexa.neighbour(k);
          if (
            neighHex &&
            neighHex.nbPPSide &&
            neighHex.nbPPSide[(k + 3) % 6] !== undefined
          ) {
            // constrained by neighbor
            hexa.nbPPSide[k] = neighHex.nbPPSide[(k + 3) % 6];
          } else if (d == nbLayers) {
            // constrained to be 0 on exterior
            if (k == 0) hexa.nbPPSide[k] = 0;
            if (k == 5 && hexa.ky <= 0) hexa.nbPPSide[k] = 0;
            if (k == 1 && hexa.ky >= 0) hexa.nbPPSide[k] = 0;
        } // for k

        // apply symmetry constraints now
        for (let k = 0; k < 6; ++k) {
          if (hexa.nbPPSide[k] !== undefined) continue;
          if (
            hexa.isOnAxisA &&
            hexa.nbPPSide[[5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0][k]] !== undefined
          ) {
            // constrained by symmetry around axis A
            hexa.nbPPSide[k] = hexa.nbPPSide[[5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0][k]];
          if (hexa.isOnAxisB) {
            if (k == 0 || k == 3) hexa.nbPPSide[k] = 2;
            else if (hexa.nbPPSide[[0, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1][k]] !== undefined) {
              // constrained by symmetry around axis B
              hexa.nbPPSide[k] = hexa.nbPPSide[[0, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1][k]];
          if (hexa.nbPPSide[k] === undefined) hexa.nbPPSide[k] = rndNb();
        hexa.nbPoints = hexa.nbPPSide.reduce((s, v) => s + v);
      } while (hexa.nbPoints & 1); // want an even sum !
    }); // newFrontier.forEach

    frontier = newFrontier;
  } // for d
  // for hex (0,0), same number on 6 sides
  grid.get("0,0").nbPPSide = new Array(6).fill(2);
  grid.get("0,0").nbPoints = 6 * grid.get("0,0").nbPPSide[0];

  grid.forEach((hexa) => hexa.structurePoints());
} // createGrid

function symmAP(p) {
  return [p[0], -p[1]];
function symmBP(p) {
  return prod([0.5, rac3s2, rac3s2, -0.5], p);
const matrot60 = [0.5, -rac3s2, rac3s2, 0.5];
function rot60P(p) {
  return prod(matrot60, p);
const matrot120 = prod(matrot60, matrot60);
function rot120P(p) {
  return prod(matrot120, p);
function rot180P(p) {
  return prod([-1, 0, 0, -1], p);
const matrot240 = prod(matrot120, matrot120);
function rot240P(p) {
  return prod(matrot240, p);
const matrot300 = prod(matrot240, matrot60);
function rot300P(p) {
  return prod(matrot300, p);

function takeSymA(bezier) {
  return [
function takeSymB(bezier) {
  return [
function takeRot60B(bezier) {
  return bezier.map(rot60P);
function takeRot120B(bezier) {
  return bezier.map(rot120P);
function takeRot180B(bezier) {
  return bezier.map(rot180P);
function takeRot240B(bezier) {
  return bezier.map(rot240P);
function takeRot300B(bezier) {
  return bezier.map(rot300P);

function makeLoops() {
  tbLoops = [];
  algoPick = intAlea(2); // choice of algorithme
  const ngrid = arrayShuffle(Array.from(grid));
  ngrid.forEach((elem) => {
    const hexa = elem[1];
    const startkp = arrayShuffle(
      new Array(hexa.nbPoints).fill(0).map((v, k) => k)
    for (let k = 0; k < startkp.length; ++k) {
      const list = [];
      hexa.connectables.forEach((c) => c.forEach((kk) => list.push(kk)));
      if (list.length == 0) break;
      let kp = startkp[k];
      if (!list.includes(kp)) continue;
      if (!hexa.isAllowableForStart(kp)) continue;
      let loop = makeOneLoop(hexa, kp);
    } // for k

  function makeOneLoop(hexa, kp) {
    const loop = prepareOneLoop(hexa, kp);
    // add every crossing actual points (in pixels) of BezierCurve
    loop.crossings.forEach((cr) => {
      cr.bezier = toBezier({
        hexagon: cr.hexa,
        ksidein: cr.hexa.sideOfPoint[cr.kin],
        ksideout: cr.hexa.sideOfPoint[cr.kout],
        pin: cr.hexa.points[cr.kin],
        pout: cr.hexa.points[cr.kout]

    if (loop.symA || loop.endA) {
      let ncr = loop.crossings.length;
      for (let k = ncr - 1; k >= 0; --k) {
        if (loop.crossings[k].symm !== "A")
          loop.crossings.push({ bezier: takeSymA(loop.crossings[k].bezier) }); // only the bezier field is useful here
    if (loop.symB || loop.endB) {
      let ncr = loop.crossings.length;
      for (let k = ncr - 1; k >= 0; --k) {
        if (loop.crossings[k].symm !== "B")
          loop.crossings.push({ bezier: takeSymB(loop.crossings[k].bezier) }); // only the bezier field is useful here
    if (loop.ring) {
      if (loop.crossings[0].symm && loop.crossings.length > 1)
        loop.crossings.pop(); // remove crossing doubled by symmetry
      let ncr = loop.crossings.length;
      if (loop.endB) {
        for (let k = 0; k < ncr; ++k) {
          loop.crossings.push({ bezier: takeRot60B(loop.crossings[k].bezier) });
        for (let k = 0; k < ncr; ++k) {
            bezier: takeRot120B(loop.crossings[k].bezier)
        for (let k = 0; k < ncr; ++k) {
            bezier: takeRot180B(loop.crossings[k].bezier)
        for (let k = 0; k < ncr; ++k) {
            bezier: takeRot240B(loop.crossings[k].bezier)
        for (let k = 0; k < ncr; ++k) {
            bezier: takeRot300B(loop.crossings[k].bezier)
      } else {
        for (let k = 0; k < ncr; ++k) {
            bezier: takeRot300B(loop.crossings[k].bezier)
        for (let k = 0; k < ncr; ++k) {
            bezier: takeRot240B(loop.crossings[k].bezier)
        for (let k = 0; k < ncr; ++k) {
            bezier: takeRot180B(loop.crossings[k].bezier)
        for (let k = 0; k < ncr; ++k) {
            bezier: takeRot120B(loop.crossings[k].bezier)
        for (let k = 0; k < ncr; ++k) {
          loop.crossings.push({ bezier: takeRot60B(loop.crossings[k].bezier) });
    return loop;

    function prepareOneLoop(hexa, kp) {
      let crossing;
      const loop = { crossings: [] };
      if (hexa.isAlongAxisA && hexa.sideOfPoint[kp] == 4) {
        loop.symA = true;
      while (true) {
        let { kout, symm } = hexa.pickFromConnectables(kp);
        hexa.connect(kp, kout);
        crossing = { hexa, kin: kp, kout, symm };
        if (symm == "A" || (hexa.isAlongAxisA && hexa.sideOfPoint[kout] == 4)) {
          if (loop.symA) return loop; // crossing axis A for the 2nd time : over
          if (loop.symB) {
            delete loop.symB;
            loop.ring = true;
            loop.endA = true;
            return loop;
          // crossing axis A on non-symm loop : re-start at the opposite end of this loop
          loop.symA = true;
          hexa = loop.crossings.at(-1).hexa;
          kout = loop.crossings.at(-1).kout;
        if (symm == "B") {
          if (loop.symB) return loop; // crossing axis B for the 2nd time : over
          if (loop.symA) {
            delete loop.symA;
            loop.ring = true;
            loop.endB = true;
            return loop;
          // crossing axis B on non-symm loop : re-start at the opposite end of this loop
          loop.symB = true;
          hexa = loop.crossings.at(-1).hexa;
          kout = loop.crossings.at(-1).kout;
        // take point corresponding to (Hexa, kout) in the adjacent hexagon
        ({ hexa, kp } = hexa.otherPoint(kout));
        if (hexa == loop.crossings[0].hexa && kp == loop.crossings[0].kin) {
          return loop; // closed loop without symmetry
      } // while true;
      return loop;

      function reverseCrossings() {
        loop.crossings.forEach((cr) => ([cr.kin, cr.kout] = [cr.kout, cr.kin]));
    } // prepareOneLoop
  } // makeOneLoop
} // makeLoops


function toBezier(crossing) {
  /* computes the 4 points for a Bezier cubic curve

  const ztd = 0.6; // coefficient for straight lines
  const zdt = 0.2; // coefficient for U-turn

  let pa, pb; // control points of the Bézier curve
  let dx, dy, dd;
  let kCommVert; // index of common vertex
  let din, dout;

  let {
    hexagon: hexa,
    pin: p0,
    ksidein: kside0,
    pout: p1,
    ksideout: kside1
  } = crossing;
  // the curve is drawn as if entering the hexagon through point p0 and leaving it through point p1

  let bin = kside0;
  let bout = kside1;
  let tp = perpendicular; // table of perpendiculars

  /* bout - bin gives (in 1/6 of turn) the direction change of the curve between entry and exit

  switch (bout - bin) {
    case 3: // straightforward
    case -3:
      dd = ztd * rayHex; // probably not the smartest way
      pa = [p0[0] + tp[bin][0] * dd, p0[1] + tp[bin][1] * dd];
      pb = [p1[0] + tp[bout][0] * dd, p1[1] + tp[bout][1] * dd];

    case 1:
    case -1:
    case 5:
    case -5:
      /* 120 degrees : curve around a vertex
             compute distances from p0 and p1 to that vertex and use these distances
             to compute position of intermediate Bezier control points pa and pb
      if (bout - bin == -1 || bout - bin == 5) {
        kCommVert = bin;
      } else {
        kCommVert = bout;

      din = distance(hexa.vertices[kCommVert], p0);
      dout = distance(hexa.vertices[kCommVert], p1);

      dd = 0.6;

      pa = [p0[0] + tp[bin][0] * dd * dout, p0[1] + tp[bin][1] * dd * dout];
      pb = [p1[0] + tp[bout][0] * dd * din, p1[1] + tp[bout][1] * dd * din];

    case 2:
    case -2:
    case 4: // 60 degrees
    case -4:
      dd = 0.55 * rayHex; // probably not the smartest way
      pa = [p0[0] + tp[bin][0] * dd, p0[1] + tp[bin][1] * dd];
      pb = [p1[0] + tp[bout][0] * dd, p1[1] + tp[bout][1] * dd];


    case 0: // U-turn
      dx = p1[0] - p0[0];
      dy = p1[1] - p0[1];
      dd = zdt * rayHex;

      pa = [p0[0] + tp[bin][0] * dd, p0[1] + tp[bin][1] * dd];
      pb = [p1[0] + tp[bin][0] * dd, p1[1] + tp[bin][1] * dd];
      throw "unforeseen angle" + bout - bin;
  } // switch

  return [p0, pa, pb, p1];
} // toBezier;

// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
function getPath(loop) {
  /* detects extreme points for gradient at the same time */

  let pth = new Path2D();
  pth.moveTo(loop.crossings[0].bezier[0][0], loop.crossings[0].bezier[0][1]);
  loop.crossings.forEach((cr) => {
  loop.path = pth;
  return pth;
} // getPath

// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

function makeHierarchy() {
  hierar = { hier: -1, children: [] };
  tbLoops.forEach((loop) => insert(hierar, loop));

  function insert(hierar, loop) {
    /* if point of loop is in any of hierar's children, insert it in this child
        else if a point of children is in loop, put it in loop's children (and remove it from this level)
        else add loop to this level's children
    let pLoop = loop.crossings[0].bezier[0]; // 1st point of bezier
    let sch = hierar.children.findIndex((child) =>
      child.hier.copies.some((cop) =>
        ctx.isPointInPath(cop, pLoop[0], pLoop[1])
    if (sch != -1) insert(hierar.children[sch], loop);
    else {
      let nhier = { hier: loop, children: [] };
      for (let sch = hierar.children.length - 1; sch >= 0; --sch) {
        let child = hierar.children[sch];
        let p = child.hier.crossings[0].bezier[0];
        if (loop.copies.find((cop) => ctx.isPointInPath(cop, p[0], p[1]))) {
          nhier.children.push(hierar.children.splice(sch, 1)[0]);
} // make hierarchy

function drawThisLevel(hierar, ctx) {
  ctx.translate(maxx / 2, maxy / 2);
  ctx.rotate(mPI / 2);

  ctx.fillStyle = hierar.rgr;
  ctx.strokeStyle = "#000";
  ctx.lineWidth = 0.75;
  if (hierar.hier === -1) {
    ctx.fillRect(-maxy / 2, -maxx / 2, maxy, maxx);
  } else {
    hierar.hier.copies.forEach((cop) => {
      if (uiv.stroke) ctx.stroke(cop);
} // drawThisLevel
function drawHierar(hierar, ctx) {
  drawThisLevel(hierar, ctx);
  hierar.children.forEach((hier) => drawHierar(hier, ctx));

function drawOneLevel(level, ctx) {
  // level == 0  for background, higher values for inner levels
  let nothing = true;
  tryThis(hierar, ctx, 0);
  return nothing; // will return true when tried beyond deepest level

  function tryThis(hierar, ctx, triedLevel) {
    if (triedLevel == level) {
      drawThisLevel(hierar, ctx);
      nothing = false;
    } else
      hierar.children.forEach((hier) => tryThis(hier, ctx, triedLevel + 1));
} // drawOneLevel

function colorizeLoops() {
  /* and calculates hierarchical depth level - 0 for background */
  const invGrad = intAlea(2);

  const globHue = intAlea(360);
  const globSat = intAlea(50, 100);
  const biHue = (globHue + intAlea(180 - 100, 180 + 100)) % 360;
  const biSat = intAlea(50, 100);

  tbLoops.forEach((loop) => {
    // find innemost / outermost point of curve
    loop.ef = new ExtremeRadialFilter();
    loop.crossings.forEach((cr) =>
  let rings = [];
  (function findRings(hierarchy) {
    if (hierarchy.hier !== -1 && hierarchy.hier.ring) rings.push(hierarchy);
    if (hierarchy.children) hierarchy.children.forEach((h) => findRings(h));

  (function colourLoops(hierarchy, hue, invert, level) {
    hierarchy.level = level;
    /* "invert" is 0 or 1, and is relative to "normal"(0) or "inverted"(1) gradient */
    switch (uiv.colormode) {
      case 3:
        hue = [globHue, biHue][level & 1];
      case 4:
        hue = globHue;
    hierarchy.hue = hue;
    if (hierarchy.hier === -1 || hierarchy.hier.ring) invert = 0;

    hierarchy.sat = [
      intAlea(50, 100),
      [globSat, biSat][level & 1],
    ][uiv.colormode - 1];
    let tblum, lum0, lum1;
    switch (uiv.colormode) {
      case 1:
      case 2:
      case 3:
        tblum = [40, 80];
      case 4:
        tblum = [30, 85];
      case 5:
        tblum = [20, 90];
    lum0 = tblum[invert ^ invGrad];
    lum1 = tblum.reverse()[invert ^ invGrad];
    hierarchy.lum0 = lum0;
    hierarchy.lum1 = lum1;
    if (hierarchy.hier == -1) {
      const rMax = (nbLayers + 0.5) * rayHex * rac3;
      const rMin = rings[0] ? rings[0].hier.ef.rmin : 0;
      hierar.rgr = ctx.createRadialGradient(0, 0, rMin, 0, 0, rMax);
    } else if (hierarchy.hier.ring) {
      let k = rings.indexOf(hierarchy);
      const rMax = hierarchy.hier.ef.rmax;
      const rMin = rings[k + 1] ? rings[k + 1].hier.ef.rmin : 0;
      hierarchy.rgr = ctx.createRadialGradient(0, 0, rMin, 0, 0, rMax);
    } else {
      hierarchy.rgr = hierarchy.hier.ef.getRadialGradient();
    hierarchy.rgr.addColorStop(0, `hsl(${hue} ${hierarchy.sat}% ${lum0}%)`);
    hierarchy.rgr.addColorStop(0.5, `hsl(${hue} ${hierarchy.sat}% 50%)`);
    hierarchy.rgr.addColorStop(1, `hsl(${hue} ${hierarchy.sat}% ${lum1}%)`);
    if (hierarchy.children) {
      for (let k = 0; k < hierarchy.children.length; ++k) {
          (hue + alea(180 - 100, 180 + 100)) % 360,
          1 - invert,
          level + 1
      } // for on children
    } // if
  })(hierar, globHue, 0, 0);
} // colorizeLoops


// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
let animate;

  // scope for animate

  let animState = 0;
  let tInit, currentLevel;
  let alpha;
  animate = function (tStamp) {
    let message;

    message = messages.shift();
    if (message && message.message == "reset") animState = 0;
    if (message && message.message == "click") animState = 0;

    switch (animState) {
      case 0:
        if (!startOver()) break;
        tInit = tStamp;
        drawOneLevel(0, ctx); // draw background
        ctxAnim.canvas.style.opacity = 0;
        currentLevel = 1;
        drawOneLevel(currentLevel, ctxAnim); // draw animation canvas

      case 1:
        alpha = mmin(1, (tStamp - tInit) / 2000);
        ctxAnim.canvas.style.opacity = alpha;
        if (alpha == 1) {
          tInit = tStamp;
          ctxAnim.clearRect(0, 0, ctxAnim.canvas.width, ctxAnim.canvas.height);
          ctxAnim.canvas.style.opacity = 0;
          drawOneLevel(currentLevel, ctx);
          if (drawOneLevel(currentLevel, ctxAnim)) {
            tInit = tStamp;
            ++animState; // drawn all levels
      case 2:
        if (tStamp - tInit > 5000) ++animState;

      case 3:
        tInit = tStamp;
        drawOneLevel(0, ctxAnim); // draw background
        currentLevel = 0;
        animState = 1;
    } // switch
  }; // animate
} // scope for animate


function startOver() {
  if (uiv.random) {
    ui.cellsize.value = alea(
    ui.geometrychoice.value = intAlea(1, 5);
    const vmode = intAlea(1, 6);
    ui.colormode.value = vmode;
    ui.stroke.checked = vmode < 4;

  // canvas dimensions

  maxx = window.innerWidth;
  maxy = window.innerHeight;
  //  maxx = 500;
  //  maxy = 500;

  // canv.style.left = ((window.innerWidth) - maxx) / 2 + 'px';
  // canv.style.top = ((window.innerHeight) - maxy) / 2 + 'px';

  if (canv.width != maxx) canv.width = maxx;
  if (canv.height != maxy) canv.height = maxy;

  ctxAnim.canvas.width = maxx;
  ctxAnim.canvas.height = maxy;

  lRef = msqrt(maxx * maxy);
  rayHex = uiv.cellsize * lRef;

  geometryChoice = uiv.geometrychoice - 1;

  /* position of hexagon vertices, relative to its center */
  vertices = [[], [], [], [], [], []];
  // x coordinates, from left to right
  vertices[3][0] = -rayHex;
  vertices[2][0] = vertices[4][0] = -rayHex / 2;
  vertices[1][0] = vertices[5][0] = +rayHex / 2;
  vertices[0][0] = rayHex;
  // y coordinates, from top to bottom
  vertices[4][1] = vertices[5][1] = -rayHex * rac3s2;
  vertices[0][1] = vertices[3][1] = 0;
  vertices[1][1] = vertices[2][1] = rayHex * rac3s2;
  grid.forEach((hex) => hex.size());

  let mat60 = new DOMMatrix([0.5, -rac3s2, rac3s2, 0.5, 0, 0]);
  let mat120 = new DOMMatrix([-0.5, rac3s2, -rac3s2, -0.5, 0, 0]);
  let mat180 = new DOMMatrix([-1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0]);
  let mat240 = new DOMMatrix([-0.5, -rac3s2, rac3s2, -0.5, 0, 0]);
  let mat300 = new DOMMatrix([0.5, rac3s2, -rac3s2, 0.5, 0, 0]);
  let matSymA = new DOMMatrix([1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0]);

  tbLoops.forEach((loop) => (loop.copies = [loop.path]));
  // create rotated and symmetric copies of path when required
  let nbl = tbLoops.length;
  for (let k = 0; k < nbl; ++k) {
    let loop = tbLoops[k];
    if (loop.ring) continue;
    let pth = new Path2D();
    pth.addPath(loop.path, mat60);
    pth = new Path2D();
    pth.addPath(loop.path, mat120);
    pth = new Path2D();
    pth.addPath(loop.path, mat180);
    pth = new Path2D();
    pth.addPath(loop.path, mat240);
    pth = new Path2D();
    pth.addPath(loop.path, mat300);
    pth = new Path2D();
    if (!loop.symA && !loop.symB) {
      let pth2 = new Path2D();
      pth2.addPath(loop.path, matSymA);
      pth = new Path2D();
      pth.addPath(pth2, mat60);
      pth = new Path2D();
      pth.addPath(pth2, mat120);
      pth = new Path2D();
      pth.addPath(pth2, mat180);
      pth = new Path2D();
      pth.addPath(pth2, mat240);
      pth = new Path2D();
      pth.addPath(pth2, mat300);

  return true;
} // startOver

function clickCanvas() {
  if (event.target.tagName == "CANVAS") messages.push({ message: "click" });

// beginning of execution

  canv = document.createElement("canvas");
  canv.style.position = "absolute";
  ctxAnim = canv.getContext("2d");
  canv.style.zIndex = 9;
  canv.addEventListener("click", clickCanvas);
} // canvas for grid
  canv = document.createElement("canvas");
  canv.style.position = "absolute";
  ctx = canv.getContext("2d");
} // canvas creation

perpendicular = [];
// perpendicular entering the hexagon
perpendicular[0] = [-msqrt(3) / 2, -1 / 2]; // perpendicular to side 0
perpendicular[1] = [0, -1]; // perpendicular to side 1
perpendicular[2] = [msqrt(3) / 2, -1 / 2]; // perpendicular to side 2
perpendicular[3] = [msqrt(3) / 2, 1 / 2]; // perpendicular to side 3
perpendicular[4] = [0, 1]; // perpendicular to side 4
perpendicular[5] = [-msqrt(3) / 2, 1 / 2]; // perpendicular to side 5

canv.addEventListener("click", clickCanvas);

messages = [{ message: "reset" }];


And there you have it! With this interactive shape generator, you can effortlessly switch between various shapes and watch them come to life on your canvas. It’s a fantastic way to experiment with canvas animations and add a touch of interactivity to your web projects. If you enjoyed this project and want to explore more creative HTML and CSS designs, be sure to check out FrontBackGeek for a treasure trove of design inspiration and tutorials. Happy coding!

Credit : https://codepen.io/Dillo/details/QWXBXBQ

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