Hey there! Ready to design an awesome animated weather card? This card will not only display the current weather but also include some slick animations to make it pop. Whether you’re building a personal project or just experimenting, this simple guide will walk you through how to create it using CSS, HTML, and a dash of JavaScript. Let’s add some life to your weather app!
<link href="https://stackpath.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/4.5.2/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
<link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Material+Symbols+Rounded:opsz,wght,FILL,GRAD@24,300,0,0" rel="stylesheet"/>
<div class="container mt-5">
<div class="card">
<div class="card-body">
<div class="backgroundNight"></div>
<div class="background"></div>
<div class="temperature cardInfo"><span id="temperature">21</span>°C</div>
<div class="weatherType cardInfo"><span id="weatherType">Sunny</span></div>
<div class="currentDay cardInfo"><span id="currentDay">Today</span></div>
<div id="thunderstorm">
<div id="lightning"></div>
<div class="sun"></div>
<div class="moon"></div>
<div id="cloud"> </div>
<canvas id="rain"></canvas>
<div id="snow"> </div>
<div class="hours-container">
<div class="hours">
@import url("https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Plus+Jakarta+Sans:ital,wght@0,200..800;1,200..800&display=swap");
body {
background-image: linear-gradient(0deg, #4c5177 0%, #051428 74%);
font-family: "Plus Jakarta Sans", sans-serif;
font-weight: 300;
header {
padding: 16px;
text-align: center;
h5 {
font-weight: 700;
/* Custom horizontal scrollbar styling */
.hours-container::-webkit-scrollbar {
height: 8px; /* Adjust the height of the scrollbar */
.hours-container::-webkit-scrollbar-track {
background: #e0e0e0; /* Background color of the scrollbar track */
border-radius: 10px; /* Round edges of the scrollbar track */
.hours-container::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
background-color: #555; /* Scrollbar thumb color */
border-radius: 10px; /* Make scrollbar thumb rounded */
border: 2px solid #e0e0e0; /* Create padding around the thumb */
transition: background-color 0.3s ease; /* Smooth color transition */
.hours-container::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb:hover {
background-color: #333; /* Darken scrollbar thumb on hover */
.hours-container {
scrollbar-width: thin;
scrollbar-color: #555 #e0e0e0; /* Thumb and track colors */
scroll-behavior: smooth; /* Enable smooth scrolling */
.hours-container:hover {
scrollbar-color: #333 #e0e0e0; /* Darken thumb on hover for Firefox */
.card {
position: relative;
overflow: hidden; /* Ensure vertical scrolling */
height: 566px;
width: 350px;
margin: auto;
border: none;
box-shadow: 1px 2px 5px 10px #3d3d3d;
.moon {
position: absolute;
left: 50%;
width: 80px;
height: 80px;
border-radius: 50%;
transform-origin: 0px 220px;
transition: all 1s;
transform: rotate(-90deg); /* Initial rotation of -90 degrees */
.sun {
bottom: 300px;
background: #fceabb;
box-shadow: 0px 0px 40px 15px #fceabb;
opacity: 1;
.moon {
bottom: 250px;
background: url("https://drive.google.com/thumbnail?id=1nbYvuzW1fU3iiXoxKeMSb4TvP7rkryuy&sz=w1000");
background-size: contain;
box-shadow: 0px 0px 20px 5px #ffffff;
opacity: 0;
@keyframes rise-set {
0% {
transform: rotate(-90deg);
100% {
transform: rotate(90deg);
.hours-container {
position: absolute;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
overflow-x: scroll;
white-space: nowrap;
backdrop-filter: blur(20px);
.hours {
display: flex;
padding: 8px;
.hours-container {
scroll-behavior: smooth;
.hour {
padding: 5px 10px;
cursor: pointer;
margin: 2px;
transition: background-color 0.3s ease;
border-radius: 16px;
height: 107px;
min-width: 80px;
text-align: center;
.hour:hover {
background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3);
.active {
background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7);
.last {
min-width: 150px;
.background {
position: absolute;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
background-image: linear-gradient(0deg, #fefefe 0%, #00a4e4 74%);
z-index: 0;
transition: all 2s linear;
.backgroundNight {
position: absolute;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
background-image: linear-gradient(0deg, #4c5177 0%, #051428 74%);
z-index: -1;
transition: all 2s linear;
.card-body {
background: transparent !important;
padding: 0;
.rain {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
opacity: 0;
.drop {
background: -webkit-gradient(
0% 0%,
0% 100%,
to(rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.6)),
from(rgba(255, 255, 255, 0))
background: -moz-linear-gradient(
rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.6) 0%,
rgba(255, 255, 255, 0) 100%
width: 1px;
height: 30px;
position: absolute;
bottom: 0px;
-webkit-animation: fall 0.3s linear infinite;
-moz-animation: fall 0.3s linear infinite;
/* animate the drops*/
@-webkit-keyframes fall {
to {
margin-top: 500px;
@-moz-keyframes fall {
to {
margin-top: 500px;
.temperature {
position: absolute;
z-index: 2;
right: 24px;
top: 24px;
text-align: right;
font-size: 40px;
font-weight: 600;
.weatherType {
position: absolute;
z-index: 2;
right: 24px;
top: 72px;
text-align: right;
font-size: 16px;
line-height: 34px;
text-transform: capitalize;
.currentDay {
position: absolute;
z-index: 2;
left: 8px;
bottom: 144px;
text-align: left;
font-size: 16px;
line-height: 34px;
.hour span {
position: relative;
display: flex;
text-align: center;
color: black;
.hour .timeSpan {
font-size: 14px;
font-weight: 300;
.hour .tempSpan {
font-size: 14px;
font-weight: 700;
.hour:last-child::after {
width: 300px;
height: 1px;
content: "";
.hour .material-symbols-rounded {
font-size: 32px;
line-height: 40px;
.hour[data-weather="sunny"] .material-symbols-rounded::after {
content: "sunny";
.hour[data-weather="clear-night"] .material-symbols-rounded::after {
content: "clear_night";
.hour[data-weather="partly-cloudy"] .material-symbols-rounded::after {
content: "partly_cloudy_day";
.hour[data-weather="partly-cloudy-night"] .material-symbols-rounded::after {
content: "partly_cloudy_night";
.hour[data-weather="cloudy"] .material-symbols-rounded::after {
content: "cloud";
.hour[data-weather="foggy"] .material-symbols-rounded::after {
content: "foggy";
.hour[data-weather="rainy"] .material-symbols-rounded::after {
content: "rainy";
.hour[data-weather="snowy"] .material-symbols-rounded::after {
content: "ac_unit";
.hour[data-weather="thunderstorm"] .material-symbols-rounded::after {
content: "thunderstorm";
.card {
color: black;
box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) 0px 10px 15px -3px,
rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05) 0px 4px 6px -2px;
border: none;
.credit {
box-shadow: none;
border-radius: 0;
a {
color: black;
#cloud {
position: absolute;
z-index: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
background-image: url("");
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-size: cover;
background-position: 50% 50%;
filter: brightness(200%) drop-shadow(0 0 10px rgba(255, 255, 255, 01));
top: 0;
transition: all 2s;
#snow {
opacity: 0;
top: 0;
position: absolute;
pointer-events: none;
z-index: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
transition: all 2s;
#rain {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
transition: all 2s;
#lightning {
position: absolute;
top: -200px;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 150%;
background: radial-gradient(
rgba(255, 255, 255, 1),
rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)
opacity: 0;
pointer-events: none;
animation: lightningFlash var(--lightning-duration) linear infinite;
@keyframes lightningFlash {
100% {
opacity: 0;
24% {
opacity: 0;
25% {
opacity: 1;
26% {
opacity: 0;
28% {
opacity: 1;
29% {
opacity: 0;
<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.5.1.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://stackpath.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/4.5.2/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/particles.js/2.0.0/particles.min.js"></script>
$(document).ready(function () {
const hoursData = [
{ day: "tod", hour: 0, weather: "clear-night", temp: 11, time: "00:00" },
day: "tod",
hour: 1,
weather: "partly-cloudy-night",
temp: 10,
time: "01:00"
{ day: "tod", hour: 2, weather: "rainy", temp: 9, time: "02:00" },
{ day: "tod", hour: 3, weather: "cloudy", temp: 8, time: "03:00" },
day: "tod",
hour: 4,
weather: "partly-cloudy-night",
temp: 7,
time: "04:00"
{ day: "tod", hour: 5, weather: "clear-night", temp: 7, time: "05:00" },
{ day: "tod", hour: 6, weather: "sunny", temp: 12, time: "06:00" },
{ day: "tod", hour: 7, weather: "sunny", temp: 12, time: "07:00" },
{ day: "tod", hour: 8, weather: "sunny", temp: 13, time: "08:00" },
{ day: "tod", hour: 9, weather: "partly-cloudy", temp: 14, time: "09:00" },
{ day: "tod", hour: 10, weather: "cloudy", temp: 16, time: "10:00" },
{ day: "tod", hour: 11, weather: "rainy", temp: 17, time: "11:00" },
{ day: "tod", hour: 12, weather: "rainy", temp: 19, time: "12:00" },
{ day: "tod", hour: 13, weather: "rainy", temp: 20, time: "13:00" },
{ day: "tod", hour: 14, weather: "partly-cloudy", temp: 20, time: "14:00" },
{ day: "tod", hour: 15, weather: "partly-cloudy", temp: 20, time: "15:00" },
{ day: "tod", hour: 16, weather: "partly-cloudy", temp: 19, time: "16:00" },
{ day: "tod", hour: 17, weather: "cloudy", temp: 20, time: "17:00" },
{ day: "tod", hour: 18, weather: "cloudy", temp: 19, time: "18:00" },
{ day: "tod", hour: 19, weather: "cloudy", temp: 18, time: "19:00" },
{ day: "tod", hour: 20, weather: "rainy", temp: 17, time: "20:00" },
{ day: "tod", hour: 21, weather: "rainy", temp: 15, time: "21:00" },
{ day: "tod", hour: 22, weather: "rainy", temp: 12, time: "22:00" },
{ day: "tod", hour: 23, weather: "rainy", temp: 10, time: "23:00" },
{ day: "tom", hour: 0, weather: "thunderstorm", temp: 8, time: "00:00" },
{ day: "tom", hour: 1, weather: "thunderstorm", temp: 6, time: "01:00" },
{ day: "tom", hour: 2, weather: "thunderstorm", temp: 4, time: "02:00" },
{ day: "tom", hour: 3, weather: "thunderstorm", temp: 3, time: "03:00" },
{ day: "tom", hour: 4, weather: "thunderstorm", temp: 2, time: "04:00" },
{ day: "tom", hour: 5, weather: "cloudy", temp: 2, time: "05:00" },
{ day: "tom", hour: 6, weather: "cloudy", temp: 0, time: "06:00" },
{ day: "tom", hour: 7, weather: "cloudy", temp: -1, time: "07:00" },
{ day: "tom", hour: 8, weather: "partly-cloudy", temp: -1, time: "08:00" },
{ day: "tom", hour: 9, weather: "partly-cloudy", temp: -1, time: "09:00" },
{ day: "tom", hour: 10, weather: "snowy", temp: 0, time: "10:00" },
{ day: "tom", hour: 11, weather: "snowy", temp: 1, time: "11:00" },
{ day: "tom", hour: 12, weather: "snowy", temp: 1, time: "12:00" },
{ day: "tom", hour: 13, weather: "partly-cloudy", temp: 3, time: "13:00" },
{ day: "tom", hour: 14, weather: "partly-cloudy", temp: 5, time: "14:00" },
{ day: "tom", hour: 15, weather: "cloudy", temp: 7, time: "15:00" },
{ day: "tom", hour: 16, weather: "cloudy", temp: 9, time: "16:00" },
{ day: "tom", hour: 17, weather: "rainy", temp: 9, time: "17:00" },
{ day: "tom", hour: 18, weather: "rainy", temp: 10, time: "18:00" },
{ day: "tom", hour: 19, weather: "cloudy", temp: 10, time: "19:00" },
{ day: "tom", hour: 20, weather: "cloudy", temp: 9, time: "20:00" },
{ day: "tom", hour: 21, weather: "rainy", temp: 8, time: "21:00" },
{ day: "tom", hour: 22, weather: "rainy", temp: 7, time: "22:00" },
{ day: "tom", hour: 23, weather: "rainy", temp: 5, time: "23:00" },
{ day: "tom", hour: 0, weather: "rainy", temp: 3, time: "00:00" }
// Iterate over the data and create the HTML dynamically
hoursData.forEach((data) => {
const hourDiv = $("<div>", {
class: "hour d-flex flex-column align-items-center",
"data-day": data.day,
"data-hour": data.hour,
"data-weather": data.weather,
"data-temp": data.temp
const timeSpan = $("<span class='timeSpan'>").text(data.time);
const iconSpan = $("<span>", { class: "material-symbols-rounded" });
const tempSpan = $("<span class='tempSpan'>").text(data.temp + "°C");
hourDiv.append(timeSpan, iconSpan, tempSpan);
const background = $(".background");
const backgroundNight = $(".backgroundNight");
const sun = $(".sun");
const moon = $(".moon");
const hoursContainer = $(".hours-container");
const hours = $(".hour");
const rain = $("#rain");
const cloud = $("#cloud");
const snow = $("#snow");
const thunderstorm = $("#thunderstorm");
const temperatureDisplay = $("#temperature");
const weatherTypeDisplay = $("#weatherType");
const currentDay = $("#currentDay");
const initialHour = 11;
function toggleSunMoon(hour) {
if (hour >= 6 && hour <= 21) {
const rotation = -90 + (hour - 7) * (180 / 15);
sun.css("transform", "rotate(" + rotation + "deg)");
sun.css("opacity", "1");
moon.css("opacity", "0");
background.css("opacity", "1");
backgroundNight.css("opacity", "0");
$(".hour").css("filter", "invert(0%)");
$(".cardInfo").css("filter", "invert(0%)");
moon.css("transition", "all 0s");
setTimeout(function () {
sun.css("transition", "all 1s");
}, 10);
"brightness(200%) drop-shadow(0 0 10px rgba(255, 255, 255, 1))"
cloud.css("mix-blend-mode", "normal");
rain.css("mix-blend-mode", "normal");
} else {
moon.css("opacity", "1");
sun.css("opacity", "0");
const adjustedHour = hour < 7 ? hour + 24 : hour;
const rotation = -90 + (adjustedHour - 6) * (180 / 8);
moon.css("transform", "rotate(" + rotation + "deg)");
background.css("opacity", "0");
backgroundNight.css("opacity", "1");
$(".hour").css("filter", "invert(100%)");
$(".cardInfo").css("filter", "invert(100%)");
sun.css("transition", "all 0s");
setTimeout(function () {
moon.css("transition", "all 1s");
}, 10);
"brightness(0%) drop-shadow(0 0 10px rgba(255, 255, 255, 1))"
cloud.css("mix-blend-mode", "multiply");
rain.css("mix-blend-mode", "soft-light");
// Function to handle scroll and wheel events
function handleScrollEvent() {
const sl = hoursContainer.scrollLeft();
const hourIndex = Math.round(sl / hours.outerWidth());
const currentHour = hours.eq(hourIndex);
// Function to highlight the selected hour
function highlightHour(index) {
hours.removeClass("active"); // Remove active class from all hours
hours.eq(index).addClass("active"); // Add active class to the selected hour
function updateWeatherAndTemperature(currentHour) {
const temperature = currentHour.data("temp");
const weather = currentHour.data("weather");
const day = currentHour.data("day");
weatherTypeDisplay.text(weather.replace(/-/g, " "));
// Reset elements to default state
rain.css("opacity", "0");
snow.css("opacity", "0");
cloud.css("opacity", "0");
thunderstorm.css("opacity", "0");
background.css("filter", "none");
sun.css("filter", "none");
moon.css("filter", "none");
// Handle weather visibility and background filters
if (weather === "rainy") {
rain.css("opacity", "1");
cloud.css("opacity", "0.8");
background.css("filter", "grayscale(0.5) brightness(0.5)");
moon.css("filter", "brightness(0.8)");
} else if (weather === "snowy") {
snow.css("opacity", "1");
cloud.css("opacity", "0");
background.css("filter", "grayscale(0.5) opacity(0.4)");
sun.css("filter", "grayscale(0.9)");
} else if (weather === "cloudy") {
cloud.css("opacity", "0.9");
background.css("filter", "grayscale(0.5) brightness(0.5)");
moon.css("filter", "brightness(0.8)");
} else if (weather === "thunderstorm") {
cloud.css("opacity", "0.8");
thunderstorm.css("opacity", "1");
background.css("filter", "grayscale(1) brightness(0.1)");
sun.css("filter", "grayscale(0.9)");
} else if (weather === "partly-cloudy" || weather === "partly-cloudy-night") {
cloud.css("opacity", "0.5");
// Handle day text update
if (day === "tom") {
} else {
// Initial setup for the first hour
function init() {
toggleSunMoon(initialHour); // Toggle sun/moon for initial position (07:00)
highlightHour(initialHour); // Highlight the first hour initially
// Function to generate drops
function createRain() {
const nbDrop = 800;
for (let i = 1; i <= nbDrop; i++) {
const dropLeft = randRange(0, 1600);
const dropTop = randRange(-1000, 1400);
rain.append('<div class="drop" id="drop' + i + '"></div>');
$("#drop" + i).css({ left: dropLeft, top: dropTop });
// Function to generate a random number range
function randRange(minNum, maxNum) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (maxNum - minNum + 1)) + minNum;
// Event listeners
hoursContainer.on("scroll", handleScrollEvent);
hoursContainer.on("wheel", function (event) {
event.preventDefault(); // Prevent default scrolling behavior
hoursContainer.scrollLeft() + event.originalEvent.deltaY
hours.on("click", function () {
const hour = parseInt($(this).data("hour"));
// Make it rain
hoursContainer.scrollLeft(81 * initialHour);
function setRandomLightningDuration() {
const lightning = document.getElementById("thunderstorm");
const minDuration = 1; // minimum duration in seconds
const maxDuration = 4; // maximum duration in seconds
const randomDuration =
Math.random() * (maxDuration - minDuration) + minDuration;
thunderstorm.style.setProperty("--lightning-duration", `${randomDuration}s`);
// Set an initial random duration
// Change the duration periodically
setInterval(setRandomLightningDuration, 5000); // Change every 5 seconds
particlesJS("cloud", {
particles: {
number: { value: 5, density: { enable: true, value_area: 100 } },
color: { value: "#ffffff" },
shape: {
type: "image",
stroke: { width: 2, color: "#00ffff" },
polygon: { nb_sides: 5 },
image: {
src: "https://i.ibb.co/vzP35N4/fluffyvloud.png",
width: 100,
height: 100
opacity: {
value: 1,
random: true,
anim: {
enable: true,
speed: 10,
opacity_min: 0.0081,
sync: false
size: {
value: 800,
random: false,
anim: { enable: true, speed: 10, size_min: 2, sync: false }
line_linked: {
enable: false,
distance: 0,
color: "#ffffff",
opacity: 0.4,
width: 1
move: {
enable: true,
speed: 6,
direction: "left",
random: true,
straight: true,
out_mode: "out",
bounce: false,
attract: { enable: false, rotateX: 60, rotateY: 120 }
interactivity: {
detect_on: "canvas",
events: {
onhover: { enable: false, mode: "bubble" },
onclick: { enable: false, mode: "push" },
resize: true
modes: {
grab: { distance: 0, line_linked: { opacity: 1 } },
bubble: {
distance: 0,
size: 2,
duration: 2,
opacity: 8,
speed: 3
repulse: { distance: 200, duration: 0.4 },
push: { particles_nb: 4 },
remove: { particles_nb: 2 }
retina_detect: true
// Adjust initial positions of the particles
function adjustInitialPositions() {
const particlesArray = window.pJSDom[0].pJS.particles.array;
particlesArray.forEach((p) => {
p.x = Math.random() * window.innerWidth;
p.y = Math.random() * window.innerHeight;
// Wait until particles are initialized and then adjust positions
setTimeout(adjustInitialPositions, 1000);
particlesJS("snow", {
particles: {
number: {
value: 2000,
density: {
enable: true,
value_area: 800
color: {
value: "#fff"
shape: {
type: "circle",
stroke: {
width: 0,
color: "#000000"
polygon: {
nb_sides: 5
opacity: {
value: 1,
random: false,
anim: {
enable: false,
speed: 1,
opacity_min: 0.1,
sync: false
size: {
value: 2,
random: true,
anim: {
enable: false
line_linked: {
enable: false
move: {
enable: true,
speed: 3,
direction: "bottom",
random: false,
straight: false,
out_mode: "out",
bounce: false,
attract: {
enable: false,
rotateX: 600,
rotateY: 1200
retina_detect: true
var canvas = $("#rain")[0];
if (canvas.getContext) {
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
var w = canvas.width;
var h = canvas.height;
ctx.strokeStyle = "rgba(255,255,255,0.5)";
ctx.lineWidth = 1;
ctx.lineCap = "round";
var init = [];
var maxParts = 300;
for (var a = 0; a < maxParts; a++) {
x: Math.random() * w,
y: Math.random() * h,
l: Math.random() * 1,
xs: -4 + Math.random() * 4 + 2,
ys: Math.random() * 10 + 10
var particles = [];
for (var b = 0; b < maxParts; b++) {
particles[b] = init[b];
function draw() {
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, w, h);
for (var c = 0; c < particles.length; c++) {
var p = particles[c];
ctx.moveTo(p.x, p.y);
ctx.lineTo(p.x + p.l * p.xs, p.y + p.l * p.ys);
function move() {
for (var b = 0; b < particles.length; b++) {
var p = particles[b];
p.x += p.xs;
p.y += p.ys;
if (p.x > w || p.y > h) {
p.x = Math.random() * w;
p.y = -20;
setInterval(draw, 3);
Credit : https://codepen.io/alexandrevacassin/pen/wvbbJXm