What is Angular js and what is module and controller ?

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Angular js is a javascript framework which is used to build web applications.

Benefits of angular js :

  • Dependency injection
  • Two way data binding
  • Testing
  • It uses model-view-controller
  • Directives, filters etc

Angular js module & controller :

What is Module in angular js

 A Module is a container for different parts of your application i.e. controller, services, directive, filters etc.

You can think of a module as a Main() method in other type of applications.

    var newApp = angular.module(“newModule”,[]);

 “newModule” is a name of module and [] is for dependency

 What is Controller in angular js

 A controller is a javascript function, its job is to bind a model for the view to display.

    var newApp = angular.module(“newModule”,[]);
    var newController = function($scope){
        $scope.message = “Angular js Tutorial”;

 Binding controller to module :

    // creating module
    var newApp = angular.module(“newModule”,[]);
    // creating controller
    var newController = function($scope){
        $scope.message = “Angular js Blog”;
    // binding controller to module

 “newController” is name of controller and newController on right is value of controller.

Let’s make it short.

    var newApp = angular.module(“newModule”,[]); 
        $scope.message = “Angular js Blog”

 Now let’s add some object to a controller.

    var newApp = angular.module(“newModule”,[]);
        var user = {
            name : “John”,
            surname : “Doe”,
            Age : 28
        $scope.userDetails = user;

 Now the complete working code for this application is given below, you can copy paste this code and run it.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <script src=“https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.6.9/angular.min.js”></script>
        var newApp = angular.module(“newModule”, []);
        newApp.controller(“newController”, function ($scope) {
            var user = {
                name: “John”,
                surname: “Doe”,
                age: 28
            $scope.userDetails = user;
    <div ng-app=“newModule” ng-controller=“newController”>
        Name : {{userDetails.name}}<br />
        Age : {{userDetails.age}}<br />

 Output for this code

Now lets create a module and controller and register the controller within the module in one line.

    var newApp = angular.module(“newModule”,[]).controller(“newController”,function($scope){
        $scope.message = “Angular js blog”;

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  1. To anyone reading this: The Angular JS project was superseded by Angular (without js) 5 YEARS ago. Angular JS is very outdated and was on long term support untill december 31st 2021 but is currently completely unsupported.

    You will not have a good time picking this up in 2022.

  2. Yes we know this already but still there are some websites out there which needs support and as a good developer you should not afraid of learn new things.
    Basic understanding of angular js it not a bad thing. Through my blogs you will learn angular js basics within a day or two by reading all my angular js blogs.
    Its easy and handy.

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